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Independent Study

Student Responsibilities:

Do some school work each day, 5 days of the week.

Do NOT procrastinate!  Stay on top of what is required and stay on pace to complete all work by the due date.

Show up to all appointments! DO NOT schedule any conflicting appointments.  No excuses!!!

Communicate with the teacher continually!!!

Parent Responsibilities:

Parent must ensure that student has transportation to every appointment.

Parent must review work completed each day and week using the assignment sheet.

Parent must ensure that all work has been completed by the student and has not been plagiarized or copied.

Teacher Responsibilities:

Teachers will assign appropriate work for the course, according to the student’s ability.

Teachers will be flexible in the number of courses for which work will be assigned at one time.

Teachers will grade all work and return any not satisfactorily completed. (no F’s)

Thinking of Independent Studies?

Look HERE to decide

How Independent Studies works:

Students are assigned course work during appointments with a teacher. 

Students are required to do the assigned work at home - generally spending 20-30 hours a week doing only school work.

Students are required to attend 2 appoint-ments each week (M/W or T/Th) on the Sunset Campus.  Transportation is the responsibility of the student and family.

Teachers are available to answer specific questions regarding the work, but are not available for extended direct instruction.

Parental involvement is crucial to ensure that all assignments are completed each week.


Graduation is possible from your home high school.

Meeting the graduation requirements of HUSD is possible in Independent Studies.

Meeting ALL of the a – g UC and CSU requirements in Independent Studies is NOT possible.  Lab Science and World Language courses are not available in Independent Studies.  Electives are also significantly limited, specifically the Visual and Performing Arts requirement.

Some students may meet the UC and CSU requirements by attending Chabot courses during their 11th and/or 12th grade years.

Returning to traditional high school after Independent Studies??

Students are able to return to their high school at any time.

Independent Studies is a voluntary program.  It is a voluntary option, not a placement.

It is recommended that a return take place at a quarter or semester break, after ensuring that an appropriate number of credits has been earned in the appropriate courses.